Wednesday 29 June 2011

Baby blues during pregnancy?

Last night I found myself googling "depression in the third trimester" and was surprised by how many women were talking about their experiences with the pre-baby blues.  I've definitely found myself in a dark cloud these last few days and with a history of depression and the loss of a previous pregnancy it shouldn't come as a surprise that I am predisposed.  None of the baby books I read mentioned anything about antenal depression but I found this article from the UK Sunday times (2007) that does a great job explaining antenatal depression, the causes and what you can do about it. 

"Women undergo a barrage of tests during pregnancy to check their weight and blood pressure and assess the development of the foetus, but are rarely asked how they feel – whether they are coping emotionally with the prospect of a new life turning their own upside down." - The Sunday Times December 4, 2007

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